Digital Marketing Insight


I’m “Ritesh Shinde” from “Delhi” working in Travel and Tourism industry with bunch of years of experience in the traditional sales, marketing & operations, but i was very fascinated to know how the things promoted online, i presumed my experience needs to be upgrade to next version from traditional to digital hence I decided to dive into this ever evolving field with lots of curiosity.

What makes me join the Digital Marketing Internship Program

Yes, curiosity is something which inspired me to take part in this course, the name “Deepak Kanakaraju” made my curiosity more firm when I attend his webinar on “Digital Marketing Internship program batch — 2” no doubt his charismatic convince skill made me overwhelmed and excited to pursue this course, after having attended this session I’m able to interpret the phenomenon of transformation of being digital, some of his mind joggling facts on  “Digital Marketing” make this program more profound and on the top of that, this Internship program has a great feature of earn while learn, where in you get an assignment to accomplish and you will awarded on completion, so in total there are 07 assignment in this course which is equivalent to the course fee, so once you complete all the assignment and do well you will awarded as a cash back of the whole program fee which eventually makes this program cashless, it is like an ice on the cake. This course takes you to the journey of different segments in “Digital Marketing” where one can fit him-self and implement the strategy according to their goal whether it’s carrier or business, I’m lucky enough to pursue this internship program where I can get a practical hand-on experience which is a part of this program. Some takeaways jotted down from the first session of this program are-as below.

1) The Golden Triangle (Learn-Do-Teach).

Learn-Do-Teach” — The famous quote by Albert Einstein, “If you can not teach the things you learn it means you have not understood the things in well manner” These three terms (Learn-Do-Teach) is the principal of excellence, “Deepak” has explained it in a precise manner that if one has to succeed in any area he should follow all these three steps because our learning becomes profound when we implement it or (by doing it) and our doing become profound when we teach it, thus it is a golden triangle whose sides interlinked with each other.

2) The principal of Networking

Another take away from this program is “Networking” which is the key highlight of the program and very well explained by the mentor, he has given the example of big university where they organize Alumni meeting, in the same manner, this program has a facility to arrange a meeting in different cities where the top mentor from different batches take part and help each other, “Isn’t it exited?” yes off-course what else one would want!! so having said that the motto of this internship program is to create a community so that people can help each other and learn.

3) Set Your Goals

The next take away was to “set the Goal” the famous quote by Warren Buffett “A person with goal and plan can beat the intelligent person without goal and plan” further the mentor emphasis to set the goal he pens down some of his interim goals for the batch like to enhance the communication skill, Improve sales skill because when “All is well when you sale sale sale”. Further, he added that the goals can change shortly, but it is important that one should have a goal. The session was becoming interesting as we were moving on because the mentor arranged polls for the participant goals, some wanted to seek their carrier in Digital marketing and some wanted to do business. Now the Gyan has started.

4) Marketing Fundamental”

“Marketing” is a traditional field and has been there since long time in the trade as soon as the time passes on the term “Marketing” evolves into the new avatar, in the 20th century the Marketing has turned into a new era which is nowadays , known as “Digital Marketing”. Further to add on “Marketing” is the phenomenon include human psychology, selling skills and communication skills having said that these are the three main pillars of marketing. So in-case one would want to become a good “Digital Marketer” he will have to be a “Marketer” first. Further, the mentor added that the means of communication keeps changing, but what you communicate, how you communicate, does not change since the human psychology does not change and it will not change for 100 years so whenever you learn “Marketing” and “Psychology” you add a skill to yourself which will remain with you for a long time.

5) Find the Gold/Find The Niche

Find your niche in which you excelled because people only remember the no. 01, for example, people can easily remember the 1st man who went to the moon, that is “Neil Arm Strong” no one remembers the second man who went to the moon further he added “Solutions to needs give rise to new needs”, did not understand right? let me explain to you- the market is full of opportunities from which you can choose your goal and within that goal, you can choose the niche to excel , which is gold for you. Let me make it more simpler , in the ancient time man lives in a tribe and as soon as the human evolve market & trade also evolve and gave birth to new needs for e.g. cars for transportation hence a car becomes the solution to need and within that solution, a new need arise like car parts which could be a niche/gold for you. So here is the opportunity to pursue the niche and set-up a small business in that small market because it is ever evolving and you never know where this small niche could take you.

6) Economics

Economics plays an important role in business, it is imperative to have adequate information about economics to indulge in any business. The economy of any country depends on certain factors such as the average age of the people, government policies, and debt ratio. The economy of any country goes up if the average age of the people between 25 to 30 years as this age group is more likely to take debt for their household which eventually impacts on the debt ratio though the government policies are also an important factor but the average age and debt ratio can’t be ignored.

7) Communication Skill

Communication is the backbone of any marketing there are many ways to improve your communication , e.g. writing article and blogs because (when you are writing you will slow down you taught process which will help you in communicating, some other tips for communications are , read more, listing podcast.

8) Future of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a lifelong process since the foundation of Digital marketing depends on traditional marketing and marketing is there in the trade since generations, the world is moving towards digital marketing because the consumer behavior is changing quick.

9) Integrated Digital Marketing

Integrated digital marketing revolves around the factor ‘content marketing’ it has other content also (email marketing, SEO, social media marketing, sell and convert, paid advertising) which interlinked with content marketing at the center so having said that it is a give and take process, which starts from ‘content marketing’. Below is the process in points.
a) Content marketing easily will help search engines to increase traffic to your site.
b) Content marketing will drive traffic to your site through social media platforms.
c) Content marketing will authenticate the paid advertising, which will cause sell and conversion.
d) Content marketing will authenticate email marketing which will lead to selling and conversion.

10) How to find market demand.

Finding market demand through a search engine is interesting, but some other tools can help you find out the demand through keyword for e.g. “” look for amazon review.

11) Personal Branding.

Personal branding is the best known, if you are unique and special you can make your brand for this, you need to put out your thoughts without the fear of being the judge. Publish content in a different form shows your character and personality on social media. Personal branding helps you, e.g. -
a) you have your on recognition people will start following you.
b) If you have a brand, it is easy to set your business.
c) Personal branding can also help you generate leads.

12) Marketing Funnel.

The marketing funnel is a phenomenon to show consumer behavior from a stranger turn to loyal customers, it has many phases and it applies in both the online and offline marketing world. The first stage is ‘Awareness’ which means to make your product popular among the customer. The second term of the funnel is ‘Interest’ where you show more insight into the product to the consumer. The third part of the funnel is ‘Consideration’ where the consumer might rethink your product before buying , this is the stage where most of the consumer part out from the funnel and rest gradually move to the next stage. The fourth funnel is ‘Intent’ This funnel shows the consumer purchasing gravity, whether he is serious about buying your product. The fifth stage is ‘Evaluation’ In this stage, consumers test the product and make a final decision to “Purchase” the product.


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